Cognito uses userpool to manage user sign in and sign up directly or via web identity provider.
Cognito act as a identity broker , handling all interaction with web identities providers
USER POOLS : userpools are user directories used managed signup and sign-in in functionality for mobile and web application .
Identity pools : Identity pools enable you to create unique identities for your user and authenticate them with identity providers with an identity, you can obtain temporary, limited privilege aws credentials to access other aws services.
Cognito user pool example :
Step 1 : Navigate to cognito and click manage user pools
Copy the App client ID IN note pad
Application Client that will be used to Sign-Up users and handle Authentication .
APP client setting : This is use for redirect to the application example : https://facebook,
Identity pools exchange the JWT token for aws credential and these Temporary access is use a aws resources like s3.
User the available domain name : example : hare123
Design your signing page :
For test : copy url From domain in app integrity
Add client id in url which redirection you want using sign in
Example :
click on signup : Enter Name and email id : verify and enjoy your application
Thank you